Water Cycle Diagram for Kids

Here it is – a water cycle diagram for kids.  Ok, this project totally happened by accident but it was amazing and the students totally understood the water cycle at the end.    This project is all about bringing the water cycle for kids down to a child’s level. It is tied into our author study … Read more

Meet Your Teacher Ideas

Looking for fun and cute meet your teacher ideas?  You are going to love this adorable back to school idea. The first impression is so important, and most of our families decided how the year will go on Meet Your Teacher Night. I’ve always tried to make my classroom friendly and a safe place for … Read more

Interactive Read Aloud: How To Do It and Why It Works

Every teacher should know how to do an interactive read aloud.  Here is why it works and how to do it. When you consider a framework for best literacy methods within a classroom, daily read alouds from a variety of genres should be a foundational teaching practice. There are a variety of purposes for reading … Read more

Youth at Risk Behavior:10 Warning Signs Every Teacher Should Know

What is “youth at risk behavior?”  Would you recognize risky behaviors in the way your students talk and play? Communication and play behaviors are different in struggling students.  These kids may or may not be in at-risk youth programs, but they need help all the same. Teachers have to be particularly observant to children who … Read more

Don’t Let Classroom Discipline Send You Running for Cover

If you could change or improve your classroom discipline, would you?  A responsive classroom that uses restorative practices may be what you are looking for. Do you remember when you first started teaching?  My first year was awesome – I was obviously the best teacher around.  Everyone did what I said, life was good and … Read more

Classroom Newsletters

Well-executed classroom newsletters are one of the best management resources a teacher can have.  Whether by email, dropbox or traditional paper, you cannot go wrong with committing to a weekly forma of communication with your students’ families. arents like to know what is going on during their child’s school day. And they have a right … Read more

What About Parent Teacher Communications?

Parent teacher communications are tough, no doubt.  Here’s how to deliver news that could bring out the momma bear claws if you aren’t careful. The other day I was talking to my kids’ swim coach after practice.  She is in school to become a teacher and asked me what one piece of advice I could … Read more

Are Classroom Awards Worth It?

Is there value in using classroom awards?  We think so through the use of results-based practices.   There are certainly best practices, and we don’t want to encourage being good for a piece of candy.  But we have to remember that these are children we are talking about – life is meant to be enjoyed, and … Read more

What is an Effective Teacher

What is an effective teacher? Does it mean all of the kids and parents love you, or could it mean that you know how to effectively run a classroom for stellar results? Many teachers, from those just beginning to the ones who have been in the trenches for years, have a misunderstanding of what it … Read more

6 Classroom Management Tips That Actually Work

6 classroom management tips that work for any teacher! Avoid having to discipline by redirecting, refocusing and making your room fun. You know how some years you get that one “special class?” For me, it seems to happen every 5 years – something must have been in the water at the moment of conception because … Read more

32 Classroom Routines Every Teacher Needs

Is it a waste to spend the first month of school practicing classroom routines?  I say it’s a waste not to, as you may end up spending more time putting out fires than teaching without practicing essential skills necessary for your “classroom health.” Routines help with time management in the classroom. They also help children … Read more

Classroom Management Plan

Are your students not behaving? Do you have a classroom management plan? This isn’t discipline – it’s teaching kids how to behave in a structured environment. You must always start your plan before the first day of school. This is an essential component discussed by Harry Wong, author of The First Days of School. Even … Read more

What is Classroom Management?

Running a primary classroom though is a whole different ball game than in the upper grades. The routines that are established from the first day of school are critical for teachers who are working with the rowdy energy of young children. I quickly learned when I moved to second grade that a routine was needed … Read more

Classroom Management Without Tears

Classroom management is not the same as discipline. Once you know the tricks of the trade, your classroom will become an oasis of learning. Routines give both teachers and students the ability to see clearly what is expected and know how to follow through. Brain research shows that we look for patterns in everything we … Read more

5 Ways to Give Students a Brain Break

Give your students’ brains a rest and a recharge with these brain break activities.  They aren’t just fun – they’re critical for many kids to be successful in the classroom! What is a brain break activity?  It’s a way to fight the fidgeting, reenergize your students and and bring them back to a state of … Read more

Brain Research and Learning

New discoveries on brain research and learning – use these ideas to truly differentiate your classroom. Can our brains actually grow new dendrites when the cells are stimulated through unique and novel situations? Does the human mind really “prune” out cells that are rarely or never used? It appears to be true. Researcher Kathie Nunley … Read more

10 Tips for a Visual Learning Style

Kids remember 30% of what they see, but many of our students use a visual learning style in our classroom. How can you increase input so your kids remember and use what you are teaching them? What is the definition of visual learning? Visual learning is when someone can easily recall what they see. These … Read more

Kinesthetic Learning Style

Do you have students with a kinesthetic learning style? Learning styles activities for these types of students are characterized by touching or manipulating objects. The majority of students have a visual learning style or use kinesthetic learning strategies as their preferred method of learning. Interactive learning styles are also called haptic, which is Greek for … Read more

Auditory Learning Style

How to reach your students with an auditory learning style! These are best practices and effective techniques that really work. While most students will either have a visual or kinesthetic learning style as their primary preferred mode of learning, there are students who truly learn best by hearing. This individual learning style is characterized by … Read more

Kids Learning Styles

Teaching to the different learning styles is not hard.  It actually makes the classroom more enjoyable, stimulates the brain and fosters emotional health in our students! What is a learning style? It is simply a way to explain a student’s preferred method of learning and development. Identifying particular learning styles children display is not meant … Read more

Learning a Second Language

What can teachers honestly expect from students who are learning a second language? It’s really hard to know what to expect from students that you have trouble communicating with.  However, I see it time and again – teachers expect students who have been learning English for a couple of years to perform at the level … Read more

Building Background Knowledge

How to build background knowledge and why it is critical to many students.. Students learn best when new content is linked with past learning and experiences. The differences we see in reading comprehension for our ESL students is partly due to their schema. Schema is also culturally specific. That is really important, because when the … Read more

4 ESL Teaching Strategies for Every Classroom

These 4 simple ESL teaching strategies (and quick modification tips) will maximize teaching and help you reach all learners. When a classroom teacher is looking for ESL reading and teaching resources, he or she is searching for a strategy that is easy to implement and highly effective. Teachers must provide sheltered academic instruction to reach … Read more

Second Language Acquisition

Second language acquisition is a complex process that can take years to fully develop.   Teachers need to understand the difference between “playground language” and “academic language.” Our students come to us with a variety of backgrounds.  Some possess little to no knowledge of what school is like, many are not proficient yet in their … Read more

Star Wars Guide to Google Classroom

I started using Google Classroom for students this year.  After my initial excitement, a cold fear infested my heart.  I hopped on the virtual Millennium Falcon and left the Dark Side behind. Like the force that it is however, it kept drawing me back. After a few bumps on the inter-galactic highway, we are now … Read more