Executive Communication Skills

A deficit in executive communication skills impact more students than you may realize. The executive function of the brain is critical for classroom performance. The executive function of the brain is a compilation of behaviors that help students take a task from the beginning to completion. Students use their working memory to store information and … Read more

Social Learning Theory

Understanding the social learning theory is highly relevant for today’s classroom. If you are a teacher, you will be teaching social skills. Teaching social skills begins with teacher modeling. Whether you realize it or not, your students watch how you behave and will emulate you in many ways. If kids feel certain behaviors are acceptable … Read more

Good Writing Skills

Good writing skills are part of the communication domain. It is essential for professionals to understand how to assess a child’s ability to write in the Classroom Communication Domain. Learning writing skills is important because many parts of it are the foundational skills of literacy. The writing must be purposeful and able to be used … Read more

Active Listening Skills

Active listening skills are a critical part of the communication domain in a classroom performance assessment.   Being an effective listener means that students are using strategies to pay attention to auditory input. Sometimes when students are not performing well in the classroom, there may be an issue with their receptive language. How can we improve … Read more

Targeted Interventions in Reading for Kids Who Struggle

How can teachers know exactly what the root cause of a reading problem is?  This is critical for targeting the correct interventions, and keeping reading a top priority for kids who need us to go the extra mile. Reading is part of the CPA domain. Being able to use comprehension strategies and improving academic content … Read more

Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is is about training students how to integrate skills to deliver oral “presentations” without articulation difficulties . Learn what to look for that could signal speaking problems. Speaking problems arise for young students when they have difficulties blending cognitive, lexical, syntactic, listening and comprehension skills. Basically, that means they have issues with: Our … Read more

Types of Communication

Studies show that students who can effectively use different types of communication skills are able to express their knowledge in a way that turns passive learning into critical thinking. Classroom communication is the interactive language and responses between students and teachers. The importance of these skills cannot be down-played, and must be emphasized even at … Read more