How delicious! Make an edible sedimentary rock formation that tells a story from the time of the dinosaurs.
Geologists classify rocks according to where they come from and how they are formed. One of the most fun types of rocks for the younger crowd are sedimentary rocks.
These are the rocks you will find fossils in. The layers can be striking and kids are fascinated by how these rocks form and leave behind clues from the past.
These are the rocks you will find fossils in.
The layers can be striking and kids are fascinated by how these rocks form and leave behind clues from the past.
How Sedimentary Rocks are Formed
Sedimentary rocks are formed on the surface of the Earth when tiny grains of dirt, sand, mud and clay are worn off other rocks and washed into streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. When these tiny bits settle to the bottom of water, they are called “sediment.”
Minerals and tiny animals also get mixed up in the dirt and sand which creates more sediment. Every day more sediment piles on top of what’s already there.
Eventually the weight and pressure from all of those layers turns the sediment into sedimentary rocks.
These rocks don’t have crystals because they don’t come from molten lava. If you see bands or layering in a rock, rounded grains and it chips easily, it is likely sedimentary.
Make Some Yummy Sediments!
This is a great activity that reinforces the basic concepts of how sedimentary rock is formed. It takes a bit of preparation but makes a big impact.
You will take your kids back in time to when dinosaurs died in a riverbed. They will build edible layers of sediment while you guide them with a story.
You will need:
- clear plastic cups – one per child
- spoons
- vanilla pudding (half colored blue, half left white)
- chocolate pudding
- dinosaur edible candies (Betty Crocker cake decorations work well)
- crushed Oreos and graham crackers (for different colors)
Tip: I buy the premade pudding and just color some of the vanilla ones. I plan on 1/2 cup of each color per student, depending on the size of my cups.